Jon & Kate Plus Nausea

While flipping through the channels last night, I settled on TLC for a few moments. In the corner of the screen was one of those constant, annoying text ads for an upcoming show. I find those ads moderately annoying (especially the USA ones with little tiny people running across the bottom of the screen – creepy!). But this one was worse – “Kate’s Story”, Monday night at 8 PM. Why?

• It’s sad that I know who “Kate” is, without even stopping to think about it.

• I am so tired of these people, it’s not even funny. Someone needs to sit these two morons down and explain – no one watched the show for you! We thought your kids were cute!

• I seriously doubt she has anything remotely interesting left to say.

• Judging by the press surrounding this latest interview, I already know that she’s going to complain about the stress this situation is putting on her kids. So let me get this straight. You’re upset at the stress your children are under due to all the media attention on your lives, so you decided to complain about it on TV. At this point, feel free to picture me slowly beating my head against my desk.

I understand that these folks originally thought that doing the show would help them support all those kids. But you’d have to be living under a rock not to know that fame ALWAYS turns on you, so you should get out while you’re ahead. They made beautiful children together, but Jon & Kate don’t have two working brain cells between them. For their kids’ sake, and for mine, I want them to go away. Far, far away.