Friends Don’t Let Friends Lose Their Passports

Last night on The Amazing Race, Zev and Justin came from the bottom of the pack to win this leg of the race…and were eliminated. Why? Because they lost Zev’s passport, and you can’t technically finish the race without your travel documents.

This is a sad loss for the show for a couple of reasons. First, it stinks to have a team perform well but lose anyway. One of the aspects fans love about TAR is that there is very little scheming, back-stabbing, and strategic alliance making. The best team usually finishes first, end of story. Second, the way Zev and Justin dealt with the loss is exactly why they will be missed. They both blamed themselves for the passport loss and gave heart felt testimonials to each other’s friendship. Not to mention that Zev has Asperger's Syndrome and showed beautifully that individuals struggling with the syndrome can rise above their perceived limitations.

They’ll be missed! I was a little misty-eyed watching them say their goodbyes. Neither Survivor or the Bachelor ever have that effect on me!

PS - Is it possible that no one recognized Jackie Kennedy in the picture of the hotel they needed to find?? I know the teams left are pretty young, but still... that left me scratching my head!