The Persian Gulf and Balloon Boy: Random Weekend Musings

Maybe contestants on The Amazing Race should be required to take an intelligence test? Last week we discovered that most of the teams did not recognize Jackie-O in a picture of a trip she took to Southeast Asia.

This week, teams were told to go to the Persian Gulf and find their next clue at the world’s tallest building. I knew that the world’s tallest building is in Dubai, but then random knowledge sticks in my brain like gum. So I can understand that they needed to ask around or look up that info.

But one team actually went to the airport, walked up to the ticket counter, and requested a ticket on the next flight “to the Persian Gulf”. O-M-G. I get not being clear on what countries are technically in the Persian Gulf. But not realizing that the Persian Gulf is an area, like the Midwest or the Mediterranean? Geez! Score another one for the US educational system!

Despite the fact that the Balloon Boy saga is a news event (I guess?), it happened on and because of television, so I think it’s fair game. Disgusting, depressing, pathetic fair game. I have never been able to turn my brain off sufficiently to watch a full episode of Wife Swap, but all the families involved are clearly messed up in some way. Is it any surprise that after failing to become rich and famous from that show, one family tried something stupider? Is it any surprise that the 24 hour news outlets were more than willing to risk televising a glimpse of a 6 year old falling out of a balloon? Have we finally reached the saturation point where people realize it isn’t worth throwing away your dignity and sanity, or your children’s dignity and safety, to get your 15 Minutes? I’m talking to you, every single new show on TLC!