What Did You See?

I admit it, I fell for it. ABC said that Flash Forward would be perfect for Lost viewers. They teased me with glimpses into an intriguing mystery. And I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I couldn’t wait for the first episode. I even tweeted a “Woot!” that morning. And then…


Flash Forward is a derivative waste of time that Lost viewers were tricked into watching. There, I said it. My great hope, for a new addiction that could fill the conspiracy zones of my brain after Lost ends, has died. I am instead faced with a confusing, formulaic, poorly written mess with one dimensional characters and lazy writing. Pthth!

There was an international phenomenon where every person on the planet blacked out for 2 minutes. Millions were killed in the resulting accidents. The lead FBI office is basing their entire investigation on one agent’s flashforward of his case board six months from now. Which he was still studying at that point, so how useful could it be? Let me count the other ways Flash Forward has ticked me off:

1. The entire planet is still littered with wreckage and 9/11-style missing persons boards, but everyone is going about their business like nothing happened. There is still no explanation for the blackout, so it could happen again! And nobody seems worried.

2. Despite the fact that most of the crows in the world dropped dead during the blackout, only an old Nazi in a German jail noticed.

3. Despite the fact that mere days have passed, the FBI agents investigating the incident are going out drinking, flying to DC for Senate hearings, going on dates, and getting home in time to tuck their weird children into bed. I work harder than these people!

4. I feel no emotional attachment to any of these characters. None. I don’t care if their marriage ends, or they fall off the wagon, or get shot three times in the chest.

5. Way too many unnatural exposition-serving conversations. If the only way to move the story along is to have characters engage in long conversations to explain it, your story stinks.

6. They keep introducing characters or clues, and then completely ignoring them for episodes at a time. I can’t build a relationship with a character or a story when they come and go like that friend you never see until they need cash.

7. Last night they pulled the “start the episode with the final scene, then rewind and spend the rest of the episode building up to that final scene” trick. It’s so overused that we can consider it lazy storytelling. But regardless, in order for it to work, the episode should actually explain why that final scene happened. Last night’s episode didn’t do that. When we again saw our FBI agents ambushed at the end, we didn’t know any more about that scene than we did in the first place. Although we now know for sure that FBI agents are inflammable and immune to explosions.

For the sake of brevity (too late!) I will stop here, but I could go on all day. The basis of Flash Forward is a fantastical event, so it stands to reason that some leaps of faith would be necessary. If you provide relatable, likable characters and tell a great story, I can overlook a lot of stuff. But I’m not getting either from this show, so I find myself tangled up in the constant barrage of absurdities.

There is way too much good TV on Thursday nights for me to continue wasting time on this train wreck. I will probably give it another couple of episodes. But I feel like a sucker.

We’ve been had!

Are you disappointed with FF too, or am I in the minority?


Ms Terri said...

Yeah, it definitely is NOT another Lost! I agree with all your points. The one that bothers me the most is # 4, the lack of character development. I could forgive all sorts of plot holes if I cared about the characters, but I don't.

Even so, I'm still watching it. I'm curious enough about the central mystery to keep on tuning in, at least for now. But I don't feel committed to watching it indefinitely -- and I can't imagine how it will stay on the air for the planned six years unless it gets a lot better soon.

My favorite of all the new Fall TV shows is "Eastwick." My friends laugh at me. They think it is junk. I guess maybe it is junk, but it's *fun* junk. Ha.

-- Ms Terri (aka May M. from Helium)

KimS said...

I know, I keep saying I'm not going to watch it anymore, but then I think maybe NOW it'll get good.

I haven't tried watching Eastwick yet, the ads didn't really grab me. Even if it IS junk, if it gives you an hour of relaxation and enjoyment, go for it!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Carolyn said...

I saw your request for feedback on a blogussion post and was excited to read your site based on your writing in the post! I love what you have to say in your posts, but it doesn't look like you've written anything in a long while :( Have you given up, or should I check back for updates?

KimS said...

Thanks so much for stopping by. I actually got my own web address and was going to move the blog over there and then life got in the way. What's weird is I have been itching to get back to it, so all of a sudden getting some visitors here must be a sign! I will post here and drop you a line as soon as I get it started back up.